Centennial Youth Baseball-Softball Association

Considering Baseball or Softball for the First Time?

For those who are thinking about starting baseball or softball, you are not alone. Players can begin at any age in Centennial. There is no prior experience required.

While a majority of players in the league begin by the time they are 8, there are many who begin playing later, sometimes much later. In all divisions of play, including our high school aged divisions, we have first time players. While the number of brand new players tends to be greater in our Rookie, and especially in our T-Ball divisions, no matter which division you register for, you certainly won't be the only first timer in the division, and very likely, not even the only one on your team.

For the spring/summer baseball season, we do assessments and drafts for all players not returning to their previous team, which includes all new players to the league. This isn't a tryout, as no one is cut. If you are registered to play, you will be on a team. By doing it this way, it increases parity throughout the division, creating more balanced teams.

Baseball and softball are some of the lowest costing youth sports to play. The number of games and practices, in addition to the other included instruction opportunities, make baseball or softball possibly the best value in youth sports. On top of the value provided, the risk of injury, especially serious injury, is less in baseball and softball than many other team sports. In the unfortunate case of injury, Centennial has one of the strongest insurance policies covering 100%.

You can always reach out to get any of your questions answered.


League Manager

Phone: 720.353.0826