Centennial Youth Baseball-Softball Association


League Manager

Phone: 7/353.0826

Important Information

For financial assistance for registration fees, Dick’s Sporting Goods has a program which can cover part or all your registration fees. Information and an application can be found at https://everykidsports.org/every-kid-sports-pass/ If your application is accepted, you will be given a Visa debit card which can only be used for a youth sports registration. Limited, partial scholarships are also available through the league if you do not qualify for Sports Matter.

Offline Payment

If you would like to pay for your registration with cash or check, please email through the button below to get a link to do so. You will be required to purchase your Babe Ruth Membership Fee separately, at ColoradoBabeRuth.org.

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The purpose for which Centennial Youth Baseball-Softball Association (CYBSA) a 501(C)3 non-profit corporation is organized: to develop and operate baseball and girls softball programs in affiliation with Babe Ruth League Inc., a New Jersey corporation, in conformity with and pursuant to the principles enunciated by said Babe Ruth League Inc., in conjunction with such purposes, the objective of CYBSA is, through the medium of a supervised, competitive baseball or softball program, guided and governed by said Babe Ruth League Inc. CYBSA league will seek to implant in the youth of the community ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage and reverence, so they may be finer, stronger and happier youths who will grow to be good, clean, healthy adults.



2025 Spring/Summer Baseball and Softball

On the left are the registration links for all spring/summer baseball and softball options, including links to register as a coach/manager for the season. New this year is a refundable option for registrations. If choosing this registration, the registration fee itself will be fully refundable through April, and prorated after the season begins. Details can be found in the “refund policy” portion of the registrations. Regular registrations are only refundable for 48 hours after submission. The additional cost for the refundable registration is roughly around 10-12% of the base registration fee.

Please look at the important dates on the right side of the page, to understand when these events are scheduled. Other important pages to look at would be under “Program Info.” The pages under here cover 95% of the questions families have. As always, you can reach out to the league for any questions not covered there.

Payment plans are available, just select it from the dropdown on the payment page of the registration. 

Prices for 2025 spring/summer season. These to NOT include any early registration or sibling discounts, nor do they include any late registration fees.


Regular Registration

Refundable Registration

T-Ball (4-6)



Rookie (6-8)



Minor (9-10)



Major (11-12)



Babe Ruth (13-18)






10U Softball



12U Softball



14U Softball



16U Softball



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State Membership

Babe Ruth Colorado has implemented a $5 annual membership fee for each player. This is in addition to any registration or other fees from the league. It goes directly to Babe Ruth Colorado and is not controlled by Centennial. This was employed in lieu of team state charter fees. The card fees are passed along to the purchaser, so you will see an amount which will include a few cents extra, in addition to the $5.

This is an annual fee, which is good for any and all registrations by a player for all of 2025. If you play in multiple seasons, this fee will only be charged once, not for every season.

Baseball Important Dates 2025

*Subject to change

New family orientation 1 @ HitStreak

Saturday, 8 February 4:00pm

New family orientation 2 @ HitStreak

Friday, 14 March 6:30pm

New family orientation 3 @ HitStreak

Tuesday, 15 April 6:30pm

Rookie free agent assessments

5 April

Minor free agent assessments

12 April

Major free agent assessments

19 April

Babe Ruth free agent assessments

19 April

Baseball manager’s meeting

26 April

Practices begin (most divisions)

Week of 28 April

Dick's Shop Days
20% off nearly everything in store

9-12 May

Games begin (most divisions)

Late May

Rockies ticket orders due to coach

17 May

Centennial day at the Rockies

7 June

Team pictures

Randy Seifert Tournament

13-14 June

Fall registration opens

Early July

All-Star break (only All-Star games, optional practices for baseball teams)

29 June - 6 July

All-Star State Tournament in Limon

3-6 July

League Championship Tournament

18-19 July

Midwest Plains Regional Tournament

23-27 July

Fall Coaches Meeting

Mid August

Fall baseball practices begin

Mid August

Fall baseball games begin

Late August

Dick's Shop Days
20% off nearly everything in store

15-18 August

Softball Important Dates 2025

*Subject to change

Practices begin (Softball Divisions)

Week of 14 April

Coaches Meeting & Clinic


Games begin (most divisions)

Week of 28 April

Rockies ticket orders due


Centennial day at the Rockies


Team pictures

Softball End of Season Tournament

27-29 June

Fall registration opens

Early July

Fall Softball Coaches Meeting


Fall Softball practices begin

Mid August

Fall Softball games begin

Early September

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